Qing Xin red tea
The history of tea
In September 2019, we visited Tina and Minhan again at the beautiful Meishan Mountain in the central part of the island of Taiwan. You have to be well prepared for the trip to the mountains. The car was three-quarters full, but we stopped at a gas station, and Minhan said that "the mountain is unpredictable, it's always better to be prepared." We can't even imagine how lucky we live on the part of the Earth. On a daily basis, it can happen that a section of road disappears overnight, or an entire mountainside slides down several meters.
1,5 hours of twisting followed on the way to the mountain. There wasn't a single straight section, the car kept going uphill, unwavering. It was night, so for us we were moving blindly, since the light of the lamp was always shining on a rock wall, but Minhan knew well when to turn immediately to the left or right. In the meantime, he kindly told us about the upcoming autumn harvest, the tea shows in China, or the story of this new car.
We tasted excellent oolongs the next day after our morning walk. Towards the end of the tasting, the more oxidized oolongs and this red tea, made from the Qing Xin tea plant variety, from which the best oolongs are made throughout Taiwan, appeared. You can taste two kinds of oolong with us.
We liked this red tea very much after many sweet, flowery oolongs. It turned out to be extremely fragrant, reminiscent of dried tomatoes. It is also floral, which is very pronounced in its taste. It has a completely different character compared to Ruby, which represents the spicier, clove line.
A long-drinking, well-warming red tea from Meishan Mountain, from tea bushes growing at an altitude of 1200 meters, which are almost continuously surrounded by clouds.
You can find our article on the red (black) tea category here.