Nanzuo Lao Shengtai 2012

4180 Ft - 8030 Ft

Spring 2012 sheng puer tea, from tea plants grown under natural conditions.
A tea with dried fruit character, long aftertaste, with pleasant old notes, which was matured for 5 years on Jingmai Mountain, followed by the city of Puer.
It is worth tasting if you have not tried aged sheng puer tea.

Nanzuo lao shengtai sheng puer tea 2012
Nanzuo Lao Shengtai 2012 4180 Ft - 8030 Ft

Are you stuck on how to choose from our teas?

Spring 2012 sheng puer tea, from tea plants grown under natural conditions.
A tea with dried fruit character, long aftertaste, with pleasant old notes, which was matured for 5 years on Jingmai Mountain, followed by the city of Puer.
It is worth tasting if you have not tried aged sheng puer tea.

How to make this sheng puer tea?

Use approx. 5-7 grams of tea leaves. for a 150 ml device, then pour it several times after a quick wake-up call. Soaking times should be 15-30 seconds. As we progress in tea making, you can increase the time and temperature of the water. We recommend making this tea with water between 90-95 degrees.

Categories of puerh tea trees - tea bushes:

The categories in force today are the following, which refers to the name of the tea, in our case Nanzuo Lao Shengtai (Nanzuo = name of a mountain, Lao = old tea, Shengtai = a natural (ecological) tea garden that is not cared for, they live completely wild, in olden times plants of tea gardens planted (approx. 1950s).

  • Gu Shu 古树: Ancient tea tree, which must be more than 500 years old,
  • Da Shu 大树: big tree or old tree Lao Shu 老树,
  • Shengtai Ecology: natural tea gardens, 50-80-year-old tea bushes growing in ecological, primeval, wild conditions, which were once plantations.
  • Qiao Mu – 乔木: also a wild tree, growing in groves, a very tall, straight-trunk type, tea plant older than 60 years.
  • Tai Di 台地: plantation tea gardens.

A wild tea can be recognized by the fact that its leaves are very large compared to the usual ones. The stems of the leaves are also longer and thicker. If the stem is pulled apart after preparation, thin, spider web-like, sticky fibers will still hold the separated stems together. Very floral and perfumed teas, and very powerful. As the toppings progress, they become sweeter toppings. Their flavor may fade, but the sweetness remains for a long time.

Nanzuo lao shengtai 2012
Nanzuo lao shengtai sheng puer tea 2012

More information

Crowd N/A
Quantity: no selection

100 grams, 50 grams

Place of origin: no selection

Jingmai - Yunnan - China