Amber Gaba oolong

3120 Ft - 11340 Ft

Oolong tea with the smell of sweet toasted bread, honey and very fruity, with a calming effect. After waking up, the tea resembles a honey, date and plum dessert. One of my personal favorites in the autumn-winter period and everyone I've shown it to has been very happy with it. 🙂

Amber gaba oolong. A light oolong with an extremely high Gaba content, a sweet, spicy taste.
Amber Gaba oolong 3120 Ft - 11340 Ft

Are you stuck on how to choose from our teas?

Our amber gaba oolong tea comes from Alishan mountain in the central region of Taiwan.
Chin Shin (Qing Xin) tea plant variety is processed to make this honey sweet, oxidized and roasted tea.

In a preheated wet teapot or a gaiwan, dry leaves smell like sweet toasted bread. Honey and fruity. Chinese dates and creamy apricots.

As soon as we woke up the tea, a dessert aroma of honey, dates and plums appeared.

The taste of the tea drink is similar to the aroma of wet leaves, honey, dates, and sweet biscuits. Those who are familiar with the famous Scottish "short bread" type biscuits, it is exactly like that.

Spring picking material. Tea plants grow at an altitude of 1000 m.

Making Amber Gaba Oolong

To prepare the Chinese gongfu method is the most ideal in our opinion. The tea opens nicely and shows itself. Use about 6 grams of leaves for 100 ml of water. The temperature of the water can be around 95 degrees. That's when its really spicy flavor comes out. The first pouring should be 25 seconds, then you can increase it by 5 seconds as the pouring progresses. There are also 9-10 infusions in the tea, so do the math.

If the western method according to how you want to prepare it, then add 1 gram of tea leaves to 100 ml of water, the first infusion should take 2-2,5 minutes and the subsequent infusions should be 30 seconds longer. Thus approx. You can pour the tea 3 times.

What is Gaba?

In order to call a tea GABA tea, the leaves must contain at least 150 mg of GABA per 100 grams (a traditional oolong tea contains about 6 mg).

Our Amber Gaba oolong tea has an even higher Gaba content.

The harvested tea leaves are placed in a sealed chamber for a few hours and pumped through with nitrogen to displace the oxygen. The glutamic acid in the leaves is converted to GABA over time. The tea leaves are then processed and packaged in the usual way.

Since the 1980s, GABA teas have been produced mainly in Japan and Taiwan. Most of the GABA teas sold on the international market are Taiwanese GABA oolong tea.

Gaba stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid, an amino acid that is a major neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.

Neurotransmitters help the transmission of nerve signals between cells (neurons). In simple terms, they help the transmission of stimuli in our brain, and also help excessive reactions between nerves.

Caffeine in GABA Tea

GABA tea contains a moderate amount of caffeine, as it is made from the Camillia Sinensis tea plant, which contains caffeine. Ripe leaves are used for the oolong tea type, which has the lowest caffeine content. Adding nitrogen preserves the catechins in the leaves, so GABA tea contains about the same amount of caffeine as the tea it's made from.

Interesting information and research about Gaba in English.

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Crowd N/A
Quantity: no selection

100 grams, 25 grams, 50 grams

Place of origin: no selection

Alishan Mountain - Nantou Region - Taiwan